Prof BrajeshKumar

Head and Dean

Qualification : M.Com , Ph.D
Specialization (not more than FIVE) :
Business Finance, Business Economics Development Finance , Welfare Finance
He has almost 16 years of teaching and administrative experience. He has 20 years of research experience including 5 years full time research at AN Sinha Institute of Social Studies at Patna under ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship. Presently he is heading Dean, Schools of Management, CUSB, Gaya, Head, Department of Commerce & Business Studies ,CUSB, Gaya Chairperson of CPC, CUSB, Gaya Member of TDC, Finance Officer(I/c), CUSB, Gaya, Chairperson ,Board of Studies, CBS, CUSB, Gaya, Member of BPGS,AUS, Silchar, Assam, Member BUGS, Member of School Board, AUS, Assam, Chairperson of PG Admission committee(Department level), Member Academic Council, AUS ,Assam Protocol officer, Convocation, AUS,Assam
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